26 April 2023

Stellantis trusts autobiz with the management of its guaranteed trade-ins as part of the New Retailer Model programme

As part of the automotive dealer market development, OEMs and dealers are working together to find common ground and structure their business. Stellantis, amongst others, announced a plan in July 2021 to focus on an ever-increasing share of electric vehicles and the digitalisation of sales processes. From now on, as part of the New Retailer Model Programme (involving the transition of all dealer contracts to genuine agent contracts for new vehicle sales), Stellantis will rely on autobiz to handle all their trade-ins.

autobizOffice selected to support the Stellantis brands’ online and offline trade-ins

The shift from a “dealer contract” to a “genuine agent contract” requires the manufacturer to provide a trade-in coverage solution for NV sales.

Stellantis chose autobiz as it already has efficient omnichannel trade-in solutions for online and offline trade-ins.
With regards to the digital trade-in process, the autobizClic2Sell solution will enable retailers to offer and guarantee the customer an online trade-in price. The customer can then place an order for a new vehicle and trade in their used car.

On the offline journey, autobiz already offers the autobizCarcheck solution, which allows a guaranteed price to be determined following a point-of-sale appraisal.

>>> autobiz will therefore be able to offer a comprehensive trade-in solution with online guaranteed prices and with every retailer on behalf of Stellantis.

Through our Home Buying Service (HBS), already tested through our EasyReprise (EasyTradIn) subsidiary, we are able to offer both online and offline guaranteed prices. Our solutions will also be integrated with the manufacturer’s tools, i.e., their e-commerce site, their sales management solutions, etc

says Emmanuel Labi, President of autobiz.

A large-scale project for autobiz: 4,000 points-of-sale to be equipped in a dozen European countries!

This project covers more than 10 countries in Europe for all Stellantis’ brands. Ultimately, this represents 4,000 points-of-sale that will be equipped with autobizOffice solutions.

Four of the countries involved will be operating on a 100% New Retailer Model basis, for all the Stellantis brands’ orders from July 2023: Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The other markets (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom) will apply this new approach to all orders for Stellantis’ Premium and LCV brands from January 2024.

This follows on from a process that began many months ago with most of our manufacturer clients. In a nutshell, it means that manufacturers who already have an autobiz trade-in module will now be able to give an online guaranteed price following the customer’s home appraisal. Overall, this shows that the market digitalisation is becoming more and more consistent and organised as the months go by.

adds Emmanuel Labi, President of autobiz.

About autobiz

Since 2004, autobiz has been supporting all European players in the automotive industry with trade-in solutions. This support is based on 20 years of data history as well as web, software, and the business know-how of the company’s 280 employees. Today based in La Défense (92), autobiz also has offices in Berlin, Valencia (Spain) and Milan. autobiz assists more than 20 leaders in used remarketing (manufacturers, bankers, leasers, bidders…) as well as 5,000 points-of-sale in 22 countries across Europe.

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