7 February 2023

autobizTrade exceeds 15,000 sales in 2022!

With new car sales in free fall, used car transactions have accelerated considerably in 2021. To meet the growing demand for used cars, autobiz.fr has increased its volumes by 50%, bringing in more than 15,000 cash purchases for its 200 French partners.

Giving power and margins back to retailers: this is the objective that autobizTrade was conceived with at the beginning of 2021.

More specifically, this platform was created to promote direct sales between professionals through:

  • A website offering buyers and sellers the same options and ergonomics as Europe’s biggest B2B sites
  • Exemplary quality of the new vehicles on offer thanks to prior appraisal using autobizCarcheck
  • Maximised margin sharing between buyer and seller, with no intermediaries taking on-site commission

The service’s first user, EasyReprise – an autobiz subsidiary operating a cash trade-in service in France – now has more than 80 active pros on autobizTrade.

Through this platform, we have managed to optimise our margins on B2B equipment from 48 to 120 months and from 70,000 to 150,000Km whilst remaining very attractive to our buyers, who on average retain a gross margin* of around €2,900 per used vehicle. This is an important balance for us, given the current growth in our volumes, with more than 400 used vehicles presented each month, compared with 150 at the beginning of 2022.

says Cédric Di Luca, Managing Director of EasyReprise.

European expansion

Following its full-scale test within EasyReprise, autobizTrade was officially launched in September 2021 as part of the autobizOffice suite in France. A little over a year later – and following adaptation in Spain (January 2022, and Italy and Portugal (March 2022) – more than 200 sales outlets and groups are using autobizTrade for their B2B hedging and direct sales. This commercial success has resulted in the sale of more than 15,000 vehicles throughout 2022.

I’m particularly pleased with this excellent start. It shows that margin gains are still possible in our sector, as long as we use advances in technology and AI whilst really listening to our customers’ needs and their operational challenges.

says Emmanuel Labi, Chairman of autobiz

*Gross margin = selling price – purchase price – VAT on margin

About autobiz

Since 2004, autobiz has been supporting all European players in the automotive industry with trade-in solutions. This support is based on 20 years of data history as well as web, software, and the business know-how of the company’s 280 employees. Today based in La Défense (92), autobiz also has offices in Berlin, Valencia (Spain) and Milan. autobiz assists more than 20 leaders in used remarketing (manufacturers, bankers, leasers, bidders…) as well as 5,000 points-of-sale in 22 countries across Europe.

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